Genius Hour / 20% Time
Great Genius Hour and 20% Time resources including grade level success stories, why you would want to do Genius hour, how 20% time works, how to get started, how to work through issues, and how to communicate with parents about the projects.
Joy Kirr (@JoyKirr)Education
Views: 1486625
Useful: 187
Genius Hour
This is a collection of videos and documents to organize Genius Hour with 11th grade English students
Views: 17968
Useful: 12
5th grade math word problems
A great list of math word problems for 5th graders. Includes worksheets, links to pdfs and some background as to the development skills that are being taught to 5th graders. There are also some interactive websites, so students can answer problems online without having to print the worksheets.
Views: 149488
Useful: 148
3rd-5th Grade Summer Spelling...
This is a great collection of websites that have spelling review words and vocabulary so 3rd graders or 2nd grader and 4th graders can practice spelling over the summer.
Views: 12230
Useful: 4