Equity and Advocacy Committee - Events and Resources
The purpose of this committee is to explore and utilize research and practices for integration of equity and advocacy. The committee addresses and supports the Hunter College School of Education���s commitment to diversity as expressed in its Vision Statement and Conceptual Framework. The committee is driven to create a school climate that is inclusive and responsive to the assets of all learners with a wide range of backgrounds, cultures, languages, gender and sexuality identifications, abilities, prior knowledge and lived experiences. Our goal is to support institutional structures and education- al experiences that 1) deconstruct and dismantle bias and stereotypes, 2) build and foster more inclusive environments within the Hunter College School of Education, with our com- munity partners, and beyond. For more information, please email equity@hunter.cuny.edu
Equity and Advocacy Commi...Education
Views: 7451
Useful: 5
Argument Essay
This pathfinder will assist students in finding the resources they need to write an argument essayfor Ms. Porter's ENG11 course.
Views: 5893
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School Libraries: Advocacy Now
A collaborative project from the Learning Commons at AASL11. Here you will find resources to advocate for your school library programs.
Views: 1399
Useful: 1
Collaboration and Advocacy
How to use blogging and other free social media tools to collaborate and advocate for school librariies
Views: 631
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AAFCS-Texas Advocacy Academy
It is AAFCS-TX’s foundational advocacy training and space to take civic action. It is intended for advocates across all FCS professions and will be available as a series of five in-person and virtual workshops.
Cynthia L. Miller, Ph.D.,...Education
Views: 4461
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Advocacy and Leadership
Created by NxtWave doctoral students in their Fall 2014 TLCI846: Frameworks for Best Practice in School Libraries course, this LiveBinder addresses Standard 4: Advocacy and Leadership Candidates advocate for dynamic school library programs and positive learning environments that focus on student learning and achievement by collaborating and connecting with teachers, administrators, librarians, and the community. Candidates are committed to continuous learning and professional growth and lead professional development activities for other educators. Candidates provide leadership by articulating ways in which school libraries contribute to student achievement. -- 2010 ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians
Dr. Audrey ChurchEducation
Views: 511
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Synthesis & Argument
This pathfinder will assist students with finding information to support an argument of their choice from Ms. Isacco's Article of the Week list.
Views: 1682
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Teaching Argument Writing
This LiveBinder is designed to provide teachers support when teaching argumentative writing. The strategies and topics are based on and adapted from George Hillocks, Jr. book on the subject.
TR MarshallEducation
Views: 1345
Useful: 1
Argumentative Research Topics
Students will read informational texts and graphics about several controversial issues and select one of the argumentative topics for further research.
Views: 5620
Useful: 0
OMM Argument Research
This Livebinder will assist students in Ms. Isacco's ENG11 classes to develop an argument on various topics arising in the novel "Of Mice and Men".
Views: 526
Useful: 0
While the resources may have been vetted by experts in the field, the South Carolina Department of Education, Office of Special Education Services, in no way requires the use of any of the resources provided, nor their purchase. These resources are for informational purposes only and should not be construed as an endorsement of any views, organization, product, company, or program by the South Carolina Department of Education.���
Views: 58
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The Bluest Eye: Argument
A collection of resources students can use to argue for against keeping the novel in the curriculum.
Views: 325
Useful: 0