Blooms Digital Taxonomy
Updated Blooms hierarchy of thinking paired with various web 2.0 tools. Based on the Kathy Schrock webinar from Nov. 16, 2011
Views: 140
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The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom���s Taxonomy In The Classroom | Larry Ferlazzo���s Websites of the Day���
Views: 1530
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Digital Education Revolution NSW Resources
Professional Learning Curriculum Support Resources for the Digital Education Revolution 1:1 Laptop Program in NSW Department of Education and Training
DERNSW PL and CS TeamEducation
Views: 5951
Useful: 3
OELMA Digital Learning Resources
This binder contains a comprehensive list of digital learning resources submitted by OELMA members.
Some links don't open directly in Live Binder. You will see a frowny face. For these links you will need to click the tiny link at the top of the page. If you have any problems please let me know.
Views: 6680
Useful: 0
Parent Resources for Digital Learners
This binder contains letters from the district, information from the health department, digital learning options and more. Keep in mind that it is a work in progress!
Views: 2382
Useful: 0
Digital Petting Zoo - Technology Resources
This binder contains technology resources (Websites/Apps/Etc.) that are ready to be used in your classroom. Each resource listed has a tutorial and lists practical classroom applications. In addition, there is a Google Form that is linked that allows you to sign up for additional help or lesson planning opportunities.
Views: 5739
Useful: 0
Digital Citizenship Lessons & Resources
A digital citizenship libguide created by Madison City Schools Library Media Specialists based on the Elements of Digital Citizenship by Mike Ribble and Gerald Bailey
Cindy HuskeyEducation
Views: 1140
Useful: 0
Digital Makerspace Resources
This Digital Makerspace Livebinder was created as a resource for students and teachers, so that students can have access to software that will allow them to creatively communicate ideas, and so that teachers can plan lessons that are engaging and relevant to 21st Century students. Digital creation products offer a way for students to demonstrate independence in creative decision making, and teachers can assign digital tools according to learning styles or for a particular task or audience. In the real world there are multiple ways to communicate information including videos, music, blogging, graphic design, and multimedia presentations. The tabs on this resource are digital creation tools that allow students to engage in real-world applications, and include subtabs that contain a variety of software applications, many of which have made the "AASL Best Apps for Teaching & Learning" list.
Leigh WilkieEducation
Views: 478
Useful: 0
Digital Resources for Older Adults
Welcome to the "Digital Resources for Older Adults" LibGuide. Here, you will find some of the most useful and popular apps and websites that can be accessed and used on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. This LibGuide features resources that are centered on health information, entertainment, assistive technology, and internet safety and security. In the "Learning Tutorials" section, you will find information about basic computer and internet use, as well as basic instructions for digital devices.
(Image by Roberto Nickson)
LibGuide Group 5Tech & Science
Views: 334
Useful: 0
Digital Resource Collection
The purpose of this Digital Resource Collection is to provide administrators and future administrators with an easily accessible and smartly organized avenue to help navigate the many special education issues he or she will inevitably face on the job.
Views: 227
Useful: 0