Youth Apprenticeship - CESA 9
Steps and resources for Youth Apprenticeship support members to enroll, extend, complete, and terminate students.
CESA 9Personal
Views: 5766
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Title I Part A, Fiscal Issues
Do you ever wonder what exactly you can do with Title I, Part A funds? Have you ever lost sleep over a purchase made with Title I funds? Are you new to working with Title I or need a refresher on allowable costs & other fiscal issues? Then, this is the session for you! In this comprehensive training developed for both the novice and experienced Title I staff, learn about the fiscal requirements and what you can and cannot do with Title I, Part A funds . . . & much more!
Vicki Weatherford, Cori A...Education
Views: 578
Useful: 0
2023/2024 Statewide Community Resources Livebinder
Agencies and organizations that support families organized by Cooperative Educational Service Agency regions. This binder is a work in progress because some of the information we are linking to is under construction.
Views: 3525
Useful: 0
Title I Parent & Family Engagement Compact And Policy
This session will provide information on ESSA requirements for creating the parent and family engagement compact and policy. Samples of parent and family engagement compacts and policies will be shared. The presenter will introduce activities and tools for engaging parents, family, and community members.
Vicki Weatherford, Cori A...Education
Views: 155
Useful: 0
Statewide Community Resource Directories by CESA
Agencies and organizations that support families organized by Cooperative Educational Service Agency regions. This binder is a work in progress because some of the information we are linking to is under construction.
Views: 1856
Useful: 0
Reading and Literacy I
Compilation of strategies and resources that will be helpful for teaching reading and writing in the classroom.
Elda TamezEducation
Views: 99
Useful: 0
Igo Elementary Title I Status
Igo Elementary is to open Fall 2019 as a Title I Campus; this binder serves as the reference in regards to its Title I Status.
Igo Elementary is given an allocation of Title I Part A funds through a specified formula. �� The school must spend those funds on strategies that will directly impact student instruction (such as academic interventions, instructional programs, supplemental teachers, etc.), professional development trainings for teachers, or parent and family engagement activities.�� All strategies paid for with Title I funds must be:
- determined by the campus's Site-Based Decision Making Committee (which must have at least two parents that do not earn money from the district)
- identified in the campus Comprehensive Needs Assessment
- included in��the Campus Improvement Plan
Lindsie AlmquistEducation
Views: 41
Useful: 0
Digital Literacy for Personalized Learning
How do we model digital literacy skills as we support the development of digitally literate educators? This binder offers an overview of the six major goals of digital literacy with resources related to each.
Dr. Bobby HobgoodEducation
Views: 22331
Useful: 117
Financial Literacy
This is a collection of websites and materials about personal finances. Topics include budgeting, banking, economics, taxes, credit, investing, and consumerism.
Views: 7027
Useful: 10
English I
I have gathered all of the important sites that we will be using for class into this easy to use BINDER.
Views: 9974
Useful: 4