Close Reading Learning Binder
David Coleman, one of the "architects" of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), has stated that student have to learn to "read like a detective". This binder contains articles, strategies, and resources for deeper reading in secondary classrooms.
Chandra ManningEducation
Views: 3766
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Close Reading
Read the selected piece and take some notes as you read. Then, write down an answer to the question on the final tab.
Close ReadingEducation
Views: 178
Useful: 0
Close Reading
This binder explains what close reading is, articles to describe the importance of close reading, and websites to help teachers provide students with close reading opportunities.
Lianne FiskeEducation
Views: 169
Useful: 0
Close Reading
This binder contains resources and lesson ideas for first grade teachers who are using the close reading strategy for comprehension and to teach reading.
Stephanie SylviaEducation
Views: 66
Useful: 0
Close Reading Apps
These are apps that could be used to practice close reading strategies with your ELLs on the iPads.
Views: 161
Useful: 0
Close Reading at EMS
Basic information and resources for using the Close Reading Procedure with middle school students.
Views: 92
Useful: 0
Argument Essay
This pathfinder will assist students in finding the resources they need to write an argument essayfor Ms. Porter's ENG11 course.
Views: 5893
Useful: 0
They've CLOSEly Read, Now What?
We have given them the tools to be able to annotate text, decode vocabulary and analyze selections on a variety of levels. Now it's time to allow them to show what they know by creating memes, websites, digital stories, word art, images, blogs, and posters.
Assessment can and should be so much more than bubbling in an answer document. This session will explore some of the many different ways that students can create products that allow us to assess the knowledge gained.
Ms B is OnlineEducation
Views: 56
Useful: 0
Synthesis & Argument
This pathfinder will assist students with finding information to support an argument of their choice from Ms. Isacco's Article of the Week list.
Views: 1682
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Unleashing Literacy
We have given them the tools to be able to annotate text, decode vocabulary and analyze selections on a variety of levels. Now it's time to allow them to show what they know by creating memes, websites, digital stories, word art, images, blogs, and posters. Let's explore and share our accomplishes.
Assessment can and should be so much more than bubbling in an answer document. This session will explore some of the many different ways that students can create products that allow us to assess the knowledge gained.
Valerie R. Burton @MsBisO...Education
Views: 1524
Useful: 0
Argumentative Research Topics
Students will read informational texts and graphics about several controversial issues and select one of the argumentative topics for further research.
Views: 5620
Useful: 0
Teaching Argument Writing
This LiveBinder is designed to provide teachers support when teaching argumentative writing. The strategies and topics are based on and adapted from George Hillocks, Jr. book on the subject.
TR MarshallEducation
Views: 1345
Useful: 1