Welcome Back for 2011-2012!
Hope you had a great summer - here are some helpful hints and reminders about technology tools for the start of the school year!
Amanda NicholsEducation
Views: 248
Useful: 0
2022/2023 WSPEI Resources
A compilation of some of the resource documents typically displayed on WSPEI conference resource tables and links to some key websites.
Views: 7427
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CA MTSS Foundations 2022-2023
California's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) is a comprehensive framework that aligns academic, behavioral, transformative social-emotional instruction and mental health support in a fully integrated system of support that benefits ALL students. The evidence-based domains and features of this framework also provide opportunities for LEAs to design an inclusive, equitable learning environment.
Views: 345
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Traditional Dining Room
Welcome to my design book for a traditional dining room. If you like some of the items in this design book but not others, you can simply sign up for LiveBinders and make a copy of this binder and add your own things to it.
BT DesignsHome Improvement
Views: 10035
Useful: 10
Back to School
Help Students and Teachers Warm Up! Get ready for the beginning of school with interactive games, podcasts and activities!
Views: 1735
Useful: 2
Writing for the Web
This is a collection of articles that talk about how writing for the web is different than writing for print and how to make your copy more effective. Writing web copy that is effective for humans and search engines is a bit of an art. These articles should help.
Views: 17779
Useful: 2
Copy of Zoology
This binder is for a large unit project in our Zoology Class. Students will oragnize information into 6 key body systems. For each system, they will collect informatin, pictures, and videos of animals from different phylums in order to see relationships and differences in physiology and adaptations across the animal groups.
Sarah RickmanEducation
Views: 3287
Useful: 2
Copy of Zoology
This binder is for a large unit project in our Zoology Class. Students will oragnize information into 6 key body systems. For each system, they will collect informatin, pictures, and videos of animals from different phylums in order to see relationships and differences in physiology and adaptations across the animal groups.
Views: 4799
Useful: 1
Copy of Zoology
This binder is for a large unit project in our Zoology Class. Students will oragnize information into 6 key body systems. For each system, they will collect informatin, pictures, and videos of animals from different phylums in order to see relationships and differences in physiology and adaptations across the animal groups.
Views: 3258
Useful: 1