Out of This World Ideas for Showcasing Student Work
You can engage all types of learners and incorporate multiple subjects to make learning inviting and memorable. Learn how to use web-based tools like wikis, blogs, and other cool, free, cutting-edge technologies to engage your students while creating portfolios full of information to document and demonstrate learning in your classroom. Encourage writing, creativity, collaboration, and more with these ideas for publishing student work.
Views: 14115
Useful: 4
4th Annual NASA STEM Educators Workshop Series
This binder walks through the NASA CERES S'COOL Project, a real science experience engaging student in ground cloud observations, with comparison and analysis to simultaneous satellite data
Sarah CreceliusEducation
Views: 1286
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Age of Discovery: Charting the Course
Final Project Choice #6: Instructions and pathfinder for students to use as they study a famous explorer in history, chart the explorer's course using Google Earth and Flickr, and present findings in a screencast.
Views: 8606
Useful: 1
Discover Discovery
This collection of documents, links, videos and other information focuses on Career Discovery, an individualized, comprehensive process that supports job seekers pursuing competitive integrated employment or self-employment. Career Discovery is part of a package of 9 new employment services available to job seekers through the Ohio HCBS Waiver. The process helps to reveal how interests and activities of daily life may be translated into possibilities for integrated employment.
Views: 1089
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Discovery Guides
A brief introduction to using Discovery and a guide to using it off-site with an OpenAthens account.
Views: 327
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Writer's Workshop
This notebook contains all kinds of wonderful materials to support teachers implementing Writer's Workshop in their classrooms.
Views: 1046
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Scientific Discoveries PBL
Resources for Prairie Point Middle School and 9th Grade Academy - 9th Grade Science PBL on chemical compounds/scientific discoveries
Views: 709
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