EDL 513 Hallmark 5 LiveBinder
This binder seeks to complete a Safe and Positive School Culture Audit that is aligned with Bolman and Deal’s frame theory.
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Hallmark Project #5 - Safe and Positive Culture Audit
This binder will consist of a Safe and Positive School Culture Audit that is aligned with Bolman and Deal's four frames of culture theory. This project is a comprehensive cultural task required for completion of the Masters of School Administration program at the University of North Carolina Wilmington. This hallmark is aligned with North Carolina Executive State Standards. You may review these standards at the following website: http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/effectiveness-model/ncees/standards/princ-asst-princ-standards.pdf This resource will include the following four outlines: Symbolic Frame, Structural Frame, Human Resource Frame, and Political Frame.
Kelly FlynnEducation
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Hallmark 5 - Safe and Positive School Culture
This Livebinder provides examples of artifacts collected for Perquimans Central School, which serves students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through Second Grade in Perquimans County. Each of the artifacts are aligned with Bolman and Deal's Frame Theory. As you browse between each frame, including the Structural Frame, Human Resources Frame, Symbolic Frame, and Political Frame, I hope that you are able to glean some influential insight into the safe and positive school culture established daily at Perquimans Central School. Enjoy!
Carole Laughton Sykes, MSA Add-On Licensure, UNCWPersonal
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Safe & Positive School Culture
This is evidence of Hallmark Project 5, a Safe and Positive Culture Audit. We will provide an analysis of Bolman's symbolic, structural, human resource, and political frame and how it is aligned with Alma Easom Elementary.
Maria Adams FulcherEducation
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Hallmark 5
An analysis of the Structural, Symbolic, Political, and Human Resource Frames for a small high school in eastern North Carolina.
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AP Spa Literature & Culture 5-6
Este curso esta dise��ado para introducir a los estudiantes al estudio formal de la literatura Hispana peninsular, latinoamericana y la literatura Hispano-americana. El curso ayudar�� al estudiante a desarrollar sus habilidades de pensamiento cr��tico-anal��tico en lectura y escritura en el idioma espa��ol. Adem��s le proporcionar�� recursos para conectar su conocimiento en otras disciplinas y explorar comparaciones ling����sticas y culturales. La clase ser�� impartida completamente en espa��ol. Los textos literarios est��n agrupados por temas y presentados cronol��gicamente. Se espera que los estudiantes discutan de forma oral interactiva y escrita textos literarios en sus contextos hist��ricos, socio-culturales y geopol��ticos. Adem��s, los estudiantes analizaran caracter��sticas de representaciones art��sticas, material audiovisual, recursos auditivos relacionados con el curso
Agueda M. Del RinconEducation
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