EDU 221 Field Notebook
A compilation of all my work from the Spring 2016 semester in EDU 221 - Introduction to Early Childhood Education
Jennifer UrdaEducation
Views: 84
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Field Placement Portfolio
The portfolio assignment provides my opportunity to collect and reflect on work I have completed throughout the Behavioural Science Technician program.
Views: 60
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Field Placement II Portfolio
The portfolio assignment provides my opportunity to collect and reflect on work I have completed throughout the Behavioural Science Technician program.
Views: 22
Useful: 0
Field Operations
Field operations information related to the ARD process, Testing, and upcoming training opportunites
Quentin YanceyPersonal
Views: 2801
Useful: 0
Fields Guides
Fields Guides aren't just books. They've moved into the 21st century too! Click here to see more.
Views: 1827
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School Enrollment And Classroom Placement Practice Resources
This binder provides approaches of enrollment policies that are designed to achieve integration and create diverse schools.
These approaches should serve as a starting place for possible enrollment policies as you develop your integration strategy and can be used individually or in combination with one another as components of a plan to address the specific needs of your district. Please also note that these examples only address enrollment policies, which is a critical component, but alone will not create the integration we aim to achieve as part of the New York State Integration Program (NYSIP).
Views: 568
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