ID3 Course Resources
A collection of web resources shared during the ID3 course Professional Foundations: Collaborating, Researching, and Networking
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Learn ASL Online Courses, Programs, and Resources
Interested in learning American Sign Language and wanting to do it online? Here are some websites that offer ASL instruction and resources. I have not taken any of the courses and cannot promise they are everything you want them to be.
Susie TiggsEducation
Views: 2393
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Age of Discovery: Charting the Course
Final Project Choice #6: Instructions and pathfinder for students to use as they study a famous explorer in history, chart the explorer's course using Google Earth and Flickr, and present findings in a screencast.
Views: 8606
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iPad Course
This binder is a place for us to place documents we find that we might like to use in the iPad course
Keith PattersonEducation
Views: 737
Useful: 0
This live binder resource can be shared with parents, teachers and or others interested in supporting individuals with disabilities. This binder will provide resources that can support individuals in need.
Views: 3156
Useful: 1