Integrating iPad Apps into High School Content
This is a collection of skills and lessons and the apps that support the learning. See, lists of "top 2000 apps for..." are helpful mostly when you're either brand new to iPads or very experienced. Until then, real teachers need some models to seed their minds with.
Ginger LewmanEducation
Views: 23769
Useful: 22
High School Summer Math Review
this is a great collection of selected math word problem worksheets for high school students. anyone interested in reviewing their high school math will find appropriate worksheets organized by grades. One of the tabs even has a list of math word problems from middle school through high school. this binder is a great place to use for reviewing over the summer
Views: 6733
Useful: 1
ACYR Center of Excellence Student Portfolio Template
This portfolio is to be utilized by all ACYR Center of Excellence High School students to complete their digital portfolio requirement for graduation. Students are expected to keep their portfolios up to date with recent work and when credits are earned.
Kim ReynoldsEducation
Views: 473
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Digital Citizenship for High School Students
This gives students knowledge about the benefits of technology in the classroom. It brings insight to the disadvantages of students who do not have access to the internet. Also, it provides students with guidelines on how to act while using the internet.
William AnglinEducation
Views: 56
Useful: 0
High School Counseling
The Region 13 High School Counseling Binder is a resource for all high school counselors within the region. It is continuously updated to offer the newest and most relevant information available to our counselors.
Please email any questions and/or suggestions to:
Views: 3368
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