Piedmont-Triad: NC KEA Formative Assessment Resources
This binder includes resources to support teachers in implementing the KEA Formative Assessment Process. We invite you to share your ideas, resources, and implementation plans. Please email cynthia.dewey@dpi.nc.gov with ideas and questions.
Views: 6841
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Formative Assessment
Formative assessment drives the Common Core Standards and is at the heart of quality teaching. This binder includes resources to enhance formative assessment.
Lindsay BewickEducation
Views: 2517
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The Research Process
This guide will help you through the research process - from developing a topic to citing resources.
Views: 5765
Useful: 1
Northwest: NC KEA Formative Assessment Resources
This binder includes resources to support teachers in implementing the KEA Formative Assessment Process. We invite you to share your ideas, resources, and implementation plans. Please email nicole.galloway@dpi.nc.gov with ideas and questions.
Views: 3736
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MLA Format
MLA style specifies guidelines for formatting manuscripts and using the English language in writing. MLA style also provides writers with a system for referencing their sources through parenthetical citation in their essays and Works Cited pages. This binder has been created to help you as a student become both comfortable and efficient at citing your sources in this format.
Views: 2131
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Preschool AT Process
Information put together by AT Consultants at the Capital Area Intermediate Unit in Pennsylvania
Geri SchafferPersonal
Views: 2179
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Oil & Petroleum Apps
Oil and Petroleum resources that cover the timeline and history to present days uses and products of the resource.
Views: 388
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Reading and Coding: STREAMing, and streamlining the process
How learning to read and learning to code go hand in hand.
Resources for a presentation at the International Literacy Conference St. Louis, MO July 19, 2015.
Reading and coding go together like peanut butter and jelly. In our pilot of The Hour of Code campaign this past fall, both teachers and students noticed how coding computers and robots correlated to reading. Teachers first made this discovery when planning by design. Then, teachers wondered if the students would make the same connection and wondered if or how the concept would transfer to reading. During the campaign, reading motivation and accuracy increased not only through teacher observation but also through the developmental reading assessments. When teachers saw this gain they could not help but link reading workshop and coding. Stop teaching reading independently and add a real authentic experience.
Martha Bowden (technology) and Allison Hogan (classroom teacher)Education
Views: 6789
Useful: 2
Western: NC KEA Formative Assessment Resources
This binder includes resources to support teachers in implementing the KEA Formative Assessment Process. We invite you to share your ideas, resources, and implementation plans. Please email donna.albaugh@dpi.nc.gov with ideas and questions.
Donna AlbaughEducation
Views: 1056
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Sandhills: NC Early Learning Inventory (NC ELI)
This binder includes resources to support teachers in implementing the NC ELI Formative Assessment Process. We invite you to share your ideas, resources, and implementation plans. Please email donna.albaugh@dpi.nc.gov with ideas and questions.
Views: 697
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Rena Oil Spill
For a Year Eleven assignment on the Rena Oil Spill and the effects of oil on wildlife and how oil spillages are cleaned up.
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V Unit 10 Era of Oil and Civil Rights
This unit bundles student expectations that address the development of the oil industry in Texas, the advance of reform movements in Texas and the effects of the First World War on society in Texas. At the beginning of the twentieth century the Texas coast is hit by an extremely devastating hurricane, which brings political and economic changes to Galveston and Texas. It is also during the early decades of the twentieth century that the oil industry in Texas began. At this time Texans were very affected by national events including the progressive reform movements taking place in the United States and the First World War.
Prior to this unit, students studied about economic development in Texas in the latter half of the twentieth century by examining the cattle and agricultural industries and the building of railroads in Texas.
During this unit, students learn about the devastation the 1900 hurricane that hit Galveston, the early development of the oil industry, the participation of Texans in reform movements, and the effects of the First World War on Texans.
Mike CassadyEducation
Views: 1766
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Research Process
Describes the steps involved in the research process, from developing a topic to citing references.
Views: 397
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Research Process
Quicklyst: Take Outline Notes and Study from Your Amazon Kindle, iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, or Smartphone.
Views: 276
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