Glogster EDU product information | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students
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Gaga for Glogster
Glogster provides an environment to design interactive posters that includes text, images, photos, audio, videos, special effects and other elements. These glogs generate a multimedia online creation. Glogster.Edu includes student management, messaging, privacy control, and comments. Attendees will be able to register for an account and learn how to add and manage students. Learn how to apply this interactive tool in the classroom, as well as learn about LiveBinder, a fantastic online management tool to organize students’ online projects.
Joseph M. De JuliusEducation
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Glogster Edu
Glogster Tools: Edit Bar: ambassador, edit toolbar, training | Glogster EDU - 21st century multimedia tool for educators, teachers and students
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"How Much Land Does a Man Need?" Glogster
Students will be taking a former written assignment based around "How Much Land Does a Man Need?" and instead, will follow the requirements while creating a glogster.
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Faculty In-Service April 4, 2011 to ....
This binder is a collaborative effort to bring the teachers of Father Judge High School up to par in the areas of Professional Development, Using Social Media in the Classroom, and Learning to Unlearn.
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Author Study Project
This is all of the forms that we used with our students during the Author Study Unit. They were created by Ms. Melissa Butler
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