Badge Logo Design
Create your own Badge Logo Design using ProDesigns' most powerful Logo Design service.
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Promotion Portfolio - 2015
This Livebinder includes all of the elements that would be included in a hard copy promotion binder, or in a portfolio in PDF (Adobe Acrobat) form.
Use the tabs in the top-left sidebar to navigate. When you click on a tab, you will be able to view either a specific document, page, or additional tabs to open up. Linked files and URLs should open in a new browser tab.
To view the Table of Contents, click on the lower case t symbol at the top right side of the browser window.
Lara J. HandsfieldEducation
Views: 129
Useful: 0
5/22/15 -- A CITIZEN'S HANDBOOK, privately produced and informing on seasonal, special, and enduring activities and concerns, in and around the City of Pittsburg, California 94565. Eventually, it hopes to help each resident and friend of Pittsburg -- to find out -- in timely fashion -- every significant thing they ever need to know -- as far as feasible -- so as to more satisfactorily manage -- the local aspects -- of their whole-life strategies.
David NelsonEducation
Views: 13574
Useful: 7
Caroline Keller - Epidemiology Portfolio Fall 2015
My specific interested within Health Behavior are the psychological processes behind eating, exercising, and stress management. This binder is a collection of information relating to those interests.
Caroline KellerHealth
Views: 59
Useful: 0