LS 1020 - Increasing Your College Success
This Binder provides online readings and videos to supplement the topics for LS 1020, a First-Year-Experience course. These resources provide information about and insight on the development of the intellectual, social, academic and personal strategies and skills for college success to insure you complete your goal of a college degree.
Views: 1724
Useful: 0
This live binder resource can be shared with parents, teachers and or others interested in supporting individuals with disabilities. This binder will provide resources that can support individuals in need.
Views: 3156
Useful: 1
Social Studies Resources Central
Social Studies Resources for: students, teachers, parents, and others. Resources on content and skill building including: history, geography, government, economy, civics, technology, literature, statistics, databases, analyzation, religions, games, culture, lesson plans, political cartoons, simulations, web 2.0, videos, travel and more.
Views: 189157
Useful: 55
Student Career Exploration and Planning Resources
We call it "Student Resource Central".
The #1 career planning, career exploration and post-secondary education research site for students. This is THE quality meta-site of helpful career counseling resources for student career exploration, choosing a major, choosing a college or vocational school, financial aid information, scholarships, resume writing, interviewing, career videos and much more for high school students. For students, parents, career counselors, guidance counselors, teachers and college and career readiness staff.
Carl NielsonEducation
Views: 90525
Useful: 27
CCR IEP Family Engagement Resources
CCR IEP Family Engagement Resources for school staff who are looking for ways to engage families who have a child with a disability. There are tools, lists, videos, and other resources found in this live binder.
WSPEI - Cheri Sylla, CESA...Education
Views: 12357
Useful: 91