Search Results for "Learn and Explore with Task Boxes"
Learn and Explore with Task Boxes
Looking for ideas on how to encourage your students to be independent while completing academic task appropriate for each child���s needs and abilities? Discover Task Boxes! Task Boxes are portable, affordable and can be designed to address a variety of skills.
Danna BoueyEducation
Views: 1311
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#MakingMemories: Using Authentic and Fun Learning Tasks
Experience a hands-on approach to your professional development day! Learn about Project-Based and Problem-Based learning, two creative alternatives to your lesson planning that focus on a skill-based curricula and follow backwards design. Throughout the session, mini lessons will be offered on gamification, discussion methods, inquiry-based learning, goal setting, theatre games, and creating opportunities for student voice. Participants will leave the class with a knowledge of the basic framework of a PBL unit, a LiveBinder of resources, templates for creating their own PBL units and activities, example projects, and ideas that you and your colleagues will brainstorm during the session. You will also have the opportunity to participate in a Mini-PBL unit and leave the workshop with a product that you can use in your classroom to engage your students in fun, meaningful, and authentic learning experiences.
Jess Morana and Nicky Sin...Education
Views: 443
Useful: 1
Student Career Exploration and Planning Resources
We call it "Student Resource Central".
The #1 career planning, career exploration and post-secondary education research site for students. This is THE quality meta-site of helpful career counseling resources for student career exploration, choosing a major, choosing a college or vocational school, financial aid information, scholarships, resume writing, interviewing, career videos and much more for high school students. For students, parents, career counselors, guidance counselors, teachers and college and career readiness staff.
Carl NielsonEducation
Views: 90525
Useful: 27
About the Box
Get to know Callbox very own client relationship management platform, the Callbox Pipeline by watching the video.
Views: 238
Useful: 0
Digital Literacy for Personalized Learning
How do we model digital literacy skills as we support the development of digitally literate educators? This binder offers an overview of the six major goals of digital literacy with resources related to each.
Dr. Bobby HobgoodEducation
Views: 22331
Useful: 117
Disciplinary Literacy
A suite of materials that distinguishes disciplinary literacy from reading and writing in the content area, examines the CCSS for Literacy in All Subjects, provides extensive resources to support learning about a discipline through reading, writing, speaking about, and listening to discipline specific texts, and provides resources for creating robust, discipline specific performance tasks
Views: 10590
Useful: 4