This is a template of the course portfolio with course projects and edTPA tasks for teacher candidates to practice and get ready for the State certification
Views: 262
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Social Studies Resources Central
Social Studies Resources for: students, teachers, parents, and others. Resources on content and skill building including: history, geography, government, economy, civics, technology, literature, statistics, databases, analyzation, religions, games, culture, lesson plans, political cartoons, simulations, web 2.0, videos, travel and more.
Views: 189157
Useful: 55
Legal Ethics Presentation Example
This is an example of the oral and written presentation expected in Legal Ethics, Interviewing, and Investigation. It is based on the case of In re Herr, the disciplinary case for Sarah Peterson Herr, a Kansas Supreme Court clerk fired and disciplined for tweeted comments on Phil Kline
Jay M. NadlmanEducation
Views: 484
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NC Social Studies
Resources that can be used to facilitate teaching the Social Studies Essential Standards.
Views: 45520
Useful: 8
This legal S.P.A.M Works!
"He used a technique that he calls S.P.A.M. (Dont' worry this isn't the SPAM that you are thinking about) S.P.A.M. stands for: Social, Placement of Awesome Materials. "
Views: 201
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Legal Resources Guide (Group Dui)
Candidates divide into groups to develop a Legal Resources Guide for teachers and/or families. The Guide may be in digital, hard copy, or pamphlet format for distribution, the choice determined by assessed usefulness in the future. The Guide includes definitions, essential legal information, and annotated community and web resources on at least 5-6 topics, including Issues of Abuse, Suicide Prevention and Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB).
Group DuiEducation
Views: 318
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