Links for Parents
A Parent Resource Guide that has links and websites to help your child read, write, and learn English
Views: 5617
Useful: 2
Literacy and Reading
Created by NxtWave doctoral students in their Fall 2014 TLCI846: Frameworks for Best Practice in School Libraries course, this LiveBinder addresses Standard 2: Literacy and Reading Candidates promote reading for learning, personal growth, and enjoyment. Candidates are aware of major trends in children's and young adult literature and select reading materials in multiple formats to support reading for information, reading for pleasure, and reading for lifelong learning. Candidates use a variety of strategies to reinforce classroom reading instruction to address the diverse needs and interests of all readers. -- 2010 ALA/AASL Standards for Initial Preparation of School Librarians
Dr. Audrey ChurchEducation
Views: 213
Useful: 0
Reading and Literacy I
Compilation of strategies and resources that will be helpful for teaching reading and writing in the classroom.
Elda TamezEducation
Views: 99
Useful: 0
Digital Literacy for Personalized Learning
How do we model digital literacy skills as we support the development of digitally literate educators? This binder offers an overview of the six major goals of digital literacy with resources related to each.
Dr. Bobby HobgoodEducation
Views: 22331
Useful: 117
This Binder is a place to organize your content to help you and your classmates become better leaders and peer role-models as you journey through the 12 week course.
Views: 310
Useful: 0