Grade 5 / MP2 Inquiry Project
This LiveBinder contains resources for student use for the grade 5 Changes in U. S. Government Inquiry. The tabs are: Inquiry Overview, Women's Movement, Women's Movement Images,, Civil Rights Movement, Civil Rights Movement Images, 19th Amendment, and Civil Rights Act of 1964.
Lisa-helen RotterEducation
Views: 2776
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In 4th grade, students in Maryland learn about their state's history, geography, and landforms in Social Studies. This unit is developed to help Library/Media Specialists support these standards. Students will research Maryland and create a promotional video including facts about the state, natural features, and man-made features that would make it appealing to a tourist.
Views: 69
Useful: 0
Maryland Region Search
Students will choose from three cities in MD and explore to find out which region and county that city is in.
Views: 1691
Useful: 0
MCPS Westbrook G5 MP2 Changes in U.S. Government
These websites provide information for the inquiry driving question:How have conflicts and compromises among people in the United States prompted change in the United States government?
Views: 1770
Useful: 0
Changes in U.S. Government: Grade 5: MP2
These websites provide information for the inquiry driving question:How have conflicts and compromises among people in the United States prompted change in the United States government?
Views: 413
Useful: 0
Maryland Native Americans
Native Americans lived in Maryland long before the arrival of Europeans. Many Woodland societies lived in this region including the Yaocomicos, Piscataways, and Nanticokes. Use multiple sources to answer the question: How did different early Native American societies in Maryland use the natural/physical environment to meet their basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter?
Views: 825
Useful: 0
Gr 4 Famous Marylanders
Resources for 4th Grade Research on famous people in history from the state of Maryland.
Views: 327
Useful: 0
"Stuck" on Economics
This binder contains a variety of resources to encourage the creative spirit and introduce economic concepts.
Views: 1243
Useful: 0
11th Grade Government & Economics Notebook
This course provides students with the direct and indirect effects that the American government has on your everyday lives, what rights you have as an American citizen, and what responsibilities each citizen has to their government on the local, state and national levels.
Views: 2527
Useful: 3