Yup'ik/ Yugtun Language User Guide
This guide compiles a variety of materials on Yugtun/ Yup'ik, the language of the Yupik people in Southwest Alaska. The benefit of this guide is to help people navigate and easily access a variety of materials for the Yugtun language. Most of the materials that are listed are based on the collection of the Kuskokwim Consortium Library in Bethel, Alaska. For more information or for assistance finding additional resources, please contact the KCL Librarian at 907-543-4517.
Quyana Dr. Sally Samson (UAF Kuskokwim Campus), John DiCandeloro (UAF Alaska Native Language Archive), Alice Rearden (Lower Kuskokwim School District) and Ann Fienup-Riordan (Cultural Anthropologist) for your expertise in developing this guide.
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Kuskokwim Consortium Libr...Education
Views: 4935
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LiveBinders Help Guide
This binder has instructional tutorials on how to create your own virtual binder and organize resources into a BinderBank of materials. Use our automtaed Table of Contents or the 'Search by tab names" box in the upper right of this binder to find Help Topics.
LiveBinders SupportPersonal
Views: 318781
Useful: 97
1. PBSES User Support Resources
This binder provides resources to help schools and districts successfully navigate the PBSES website. Included in this binder are frequently asked questions about PBSES, step-by-step guides, and steps to address website technical difficulties.
Nichole & KarenEducation
Views: 18609
Useful: 0
eSchoolData User Conference
Thank you for attending our eSchoolData User Conference 2023. In this binder you will be able to access key presentations and links. If you have questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Views: 187
Useful: 0
No Registration Web 2.0 Tools contains 250 websites that require no username, password, or email address. All sites appear on my website L Houle's Ed Tools https://wwwlhouleedtools.com which is integrated into my binder and gives access to examples of tests of each site whenever possible. All links verified and updated January 5, 2025
Linda HouleEducation
Views: 110778
Useful: 6
NC MTSS Implementation Guide 2.0
This livebinder houses resources and implementation supports for North Carolina Schools as they implement North Carolina's Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework. We hope you find this helpful! If you need information or have questions, please reach out to your Integrated Academic and Behavior Systems (IABS) consultant at the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).
Views: 83308
Useful: 1
Web 2.0 Tools
A list of Web 2.0 Tools to use in the classroom. Created for use at the 2013 Web 2.0 training in St. Charles Parish Public Schools.
SCP TFoTsEducation
Views: 10754
Useful: 15
iBooks Author Resources
This is a list of resources that will help a newbie and advanced user of iBooks Author tool to get creating!
Ginger LewmanEducation
Views: 15122
Useful: 4