2014-15 Session 4 NTSP PD
The goal of this PD is to understand the standards on which you will be evaluated and to encourage reflective practice and ownership of your work through the creation of an artifact binder.
Views: 160
Useful: 0
IEP Facilitation
Provides schools and parents with resources on facilitation, communication, interests-based neogtiation and mediation.
Region 13Education
Views: 20779
Useful: 3
Special Education
here is a list of resources that pertain to my degree in special education or involve the application of technology into the classroom
Views: 1432
Useful: 0
Educational Leadership
This portfolio will exhibit the knowledge and skills obtained throughout the Master of Education in Educational Leadership program.
Deanna JacksonEducation
Views: 779
Useful: 0
4th Annual NASA STEM Educators Workshop Series
This binder walks through the NASA CERES S'COOL Project, a real science experience engaging student in ground cloud observations, with comparison and analysis to simultaneous satellite data
Sarah CreceliusEducation
Views: 1286
Useful: 0
Special Education Resources
A data base of tools and resources for special educators and educators working with students with diverse needs.
Views: 874
Useful: 1