High School Counseling
The Region 13 High School Counseling Binder is a resource for all high school counselors within the region. It is continuously updated to offer the newest and most relevant information available to our counselors.
Please email any questions and/or suggestions to: Tisha.Kolek@esc13.txed.net
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Middle School Counseling
The Region 13 Middle School Counseling Binder is a resource for all middle counselors within the region. It is continuously updated to offer the newest and most relevant information available to our counselors.
Please email any questions and/or suggestions to: Tisha.Kolek@esc13.txed.net
R13 Counseling ServicesEducation
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Treasure Island Elementary School Counseling Program
A Comprehensive School Counseling Program created for the teachers, students and parents of Treasure Island Elementary. This binder will serve as a toolkit and resource to all individuals interested in learning about our school's counseling program.
Teachers--use this guide as resource to aid in classroom management, RTI/intervention, specific counseling forms and referrals and referring students to the counselor for an array of services.
Parents can use this resource to make and set an appointment with the counselor to discuss the progress of their child or for any resource that may be of interest to them and their child.
Students, you may utilize this binder for character development or topics of interest to you, you can also utilize the make and set appointment form to meet with the counselor.
Lourdes Dorvilus, School CounselorEducation
Views: 14848
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Student Career Exploration and Planning Resources
We call it "Student Resource Central".
The #1 career planning, career exploration and post-secondary education research site for students. This is THE quality meta-site of helpful career counseling resources for student career exploration, choosing a major, choosing a college or vocational school, financial aid information, scholarships, resume writing, interviewing, career videos and much more for high school students. For students, parents, career counselors, guidance counselors, teachers and college and career readiness staff.
Carl NielsonEducation
Views: 89874
Useful: 27
School Counseling Resources- Chapman University
This binder will serve as a resource for current students and alumni of Chapman University. All materials in this binder are products of student generated from coursework in the program. We hope you find these resources helpful. Great care and thought went into the development of these items. Please give credit to original authors.
Views: 663
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