AT and Speech Therapy
Useful assistive technology ideas and resources for addressing language, articulation, voice and fluency disorders.
Views: 2744
Useful: 4
Debate Resources
This Livebinder will assist Ms. Isacco's ENG9 Honors class with the resources needed to complete the Debate outline and works cited page.
Views: 2733
Useful: 0
Stem Cell Research Debate
This binder contains resources to help Biology teachers teach standards related to the ethics of biotechnology and how to argue about this issue effectively.
Views: 1336
Useful: 1
Mr. Mueller's Introduction to Speech and Debate Events
This binder is supposed to provide Mr. Mueller's Forensics class (grades 9-12; Fine Arts Department) a helpful introduction to the individual speech events that the squad will be competing in as well as debate. After looking at the contents of this binder, students should have a better understanding of the debate and individual speech events and "declare" what event(s) they want to compete in.
Stan MuellerEducation
Views: 24
Useful: 0
American Speeches
This pathfinder will assist students with finding transcripts of American Speeches for Ms. Isacco's English 11 courses.
Views: 1988
Useful: 0