Effective Teaching Strategies
the teaching, instruction, and curricula required to meet the needs of diverse learners, who by virtue of their experiential, cultural, and socioeconomic backgrounds, challenge traditional curriculum and instructional programs.The majority of the text is dedicated to effective strategies and recommendations for teaching reading, comprehension, writing, mathematics, science, and social studies to ensure that diverse learners succeed in the classroom.
Views: 117
Useful: 1
What is Effective Teaching?
What does it mean to be an effective educator? How well do students do when their is effective teaching going on in the classroom?
Views: 27
Useful: 0
Causes of Deafness: Syndromes and Diseases
There are many causes of deafness, genetic and non-genetic. This livebinder is a collection of syndromes and diseases that may result in deafness and additional disabilities.
Susie TiggsEducation
Views: 1690
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Educator Effectiveness
This livebinder serves as a compilation of the resources used and shared at the SETDA Nov 8 Educator Effectiveness: Teachers as Co-Learners
Views: 620
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Effective Co-teaching
This is a toolkit to inform general and special education teachers what co-teaching is and how to become effective co-teachers .
Views: 19
Useful: 0
Urban Sprawl Mexico City
Discover the human and environmental causes and effects of overpopulation using Mexico City as an example.
Pam MerrillEducation
Views: 3184
Useful: 0