Cole, Maxwell 806267
This binder will allow students to digitally create and submit their senior graduation portfolio.
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Cole VanWychen ICPA
The purpose of this portfolio is to assist students in future planning and showcase their growth in the Iowa Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) in years 8-12 of their school career.
Cole VanWychenEducation
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Ryan Cole ICAP Portfolio
The purpose of this portfolio is to assist students in future planning and showcase their growth in the Iowa Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) in years 8-12 of their school career.
Ryan ColeEducation
Views: 36
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Mr. Cole's Class: History of Our World
It is based on the history and geography of the Eastern Hemisphere, including the development of cultures, civilizations, and empires, interaction between societies, and the comparison of trends in government and economics. It also incorporates elements of some of the social sciences. The course is divided into eight Key Ideas that cover a time span from pre-history into the 1300s. Coursework is also intended to address current events and English Language Arts standards.
Views: 79
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Cole Burton's AP Binder
This is the start-up binder to share with the students at the beginning of a class for them to add materials and assignments
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AP Comp Research Synthesis
This pathfinder will assist students with finding resources to complete Ms. Cole's Research Synthesis paper on a topic of your choice.
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Touching Spirit Bear
Its about a boy named Cole who is sentenced to jail, but is sent to an island by himself to heal his personality.
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Touching spirit bear
its about a boy cole that gets thrown in jail and joins a group he gose to a island and trys to get is freedom and gets attack by a bear
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Freddy's IBT 2013-1014 portfolio
my name is Freddy Cole and i am enrolled as a sophomore in Mrs. Davis intro to business tech class. This a portfolio that i began creating on 10/28/13 that contains all of my work throughout the semester.
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Period G Blogs 2019
These are our blogs from Period T -- look around, learn something from and about your peers
Views: 873
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Paired Passages for Grade Two and Three
The passages included in this binder may be used to design lessons and units that provide learners varied reading experiences relevant to a theme, concept, issue, or dilemma.
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IELTS masterclass
To succeed in this exam, you really need to know what you are expected to produce on the day. You need to do this under time and exam stress. Start your path to a better band here.
Views: 442
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KIPP DC August Board of Directors Meeting
KIPP DC’s Board of Directors is a diverse and passionate group of partners, investors, parents, teachers, and staff members who share a common vision of improving life outcomes for the next generation of Washingtonians. Board members serve as trusted advisors to KIPP DC’s leadership team and maintain important financial and administrative oversight of the organization.
Views: 411
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