Student Career Exploration and Planning Resources
We call it "Student Resource Central".
The #1 career planning, career exploration and post-secondary education research site for students. This is THE quality meta-site of helpful career counseling resources for student career exploration, choosing a major, choosing a college or vocational school, financial aid information, scholarships, resume writing, interviewing, career videos and much more for high school students. For students, parents, career counselors, guidance counselors, teachers and college and career readiness staff.
Carl NielsonEducation
Views: 89874
Useful: 27
Independent Explorations
This binder is a collection of different reading, writing and thinking activities for you to complete during independent explorations time
Views: 2148
Useful: 0
Cultural Exploration
Students will use the site provided to gather information on a specific culture to be able to design a restaurant based on findings (food, music, decorations, etc)
Views: 1042
Useful: 0
NEWs Explore
Through exploring news sites, complete the five NEWS ANALYSIS questions in the last tab.
Views: 949
Useful: 0
Sites to Explore
In an attempt to avoid having 40 plus tabs open I'm going to start putting sites I want to explore more into a binder.
Views: 604
Useful: 0