Literacy Strategy Notebook - ECE 536
Description of Assignment:
Develop a Collection of Strategies that contains theoretically sound and research-based Instructional Strategies that incorporates your needs and interest and that reflects best practices in early childhood classrooms. The instructional strategies should be divided into five (5) content areas:
1) Vocabulary Development
2) Fluency
3) Writing
4) Comprehension
5) Word Study: Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Sight Words, Spelling
Students should include 15 strategies in the notebook. At least one strategy in each of the 5 content areas, but the content areas do not need to have the same amount of strategies. Please include a cover page and table of contents.
Assignment Points Due Date
Collection of Strategies 100 April 26, 2017
Format of Assignment:
Use the ���Literacy Strategy Plan��� document to record information about each strategy. This document is located in eCollege in ���Doc Sharing��� in the ���Literacy Strategy Notebook��� folder.
Components of Literacy Strategy Plan
Rationale, Materials/Equipment, TEKS, objectives, lesson plan, accomodations, evaluation/assessment
Each Literacy Strategy Plan will be placed in your binder created on LiveBinder. Directions are also located in eCollege in ���Doc Sharing��� in the ���Literacy Strategy Notebook��� folder.
Item Points
LiveBinder divided with 5 tabs (vocabulary, fluency, writing, comprehension, word study) 5 points
Literacy Strategy Plans (15) 6 points each
CoverPage/Table of Contents 5 points
Susan Michelle HallEducation
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