LiveBinders Tips & Tricks
Trouble at Ma.gnolia – Just how good are your back-ups?
I don’t know how many people were keeping their bookmarks at Ma.gnolia, but my husband was one of them. Their recent data loss is a shining example to us all on the importance of off-site back-ups. Why is it so hard to set up a comprehensive back-up system? In some part it is like earthquake […]
Twitter for business uses
Twitter has been in the paper recently with talks about trying to find ways in which to monetize their popularity. (Doesn’t it seem like a common theme with many of our venture funded startups this quarter?) In addition to advertising, one avenue they are looking at is to see how useful the twitter application can be […]
Oscar time!
It’s that time of year when the movies we saw over the past 12 months are competing for the Oscar nods. We’d love to share all of the video reviews and trailers of the movies nominated so we’ve put them conveniently in two separate livebinders. To see trailers of each of the nominated movies click on the livebinder “2009 […]
Product Positioning Resources
I’ve spent over 20 years in marketing. I’ve positioned so many products in the market that I’ve lost count. I’ve gathered the best resources on the web and written some of my own, but I have to admit that my best lessons in positioning are from my 9-year-old son. Here is a recent conversation: Sandor: […]
Sales Tips
I’ve come across Jeffrey Gitomer through his books – the first being ‘The Little Red Book of Sales.’ It is literally a little red hard cover book with huge print and funny cartoons inside. It is a little different from your average motivational sales book. I’ve seen his yellow book, black book and green book […]
Online marketing tips
I found a cool site with some marketing tips from Michael Wong from His blogs help you efficiently use online resources to attract the most visitors to your website. Check out the blogs posts he has put together on such topics as: ways to optimize javascript, controversial SEOs, how to optimize on Ask Jeeves, Yahoo Directory Rankings, Selecting best […]
A Livebinder filled with Marketing Resources
Looking for some marketing ideas to engage and motivate your customers? This Livebinder was put together for business technology marketers and media planners. It is a collection of marketing information with tools, and resources that will help you design and implement campaigns that will engage your marketing audience. Just click on the binder icon below […]
Green Gardening
Even though we’ve gotten a heavy dose of rain this past week, California is still on drought alert. But if you’re like me you still want to keep your garden blooming. I started a binder to collect interesting tips on how to maintain your garden on a tight water budget, and I’ll be adding other […]
A New Way Start Your Research
What is the first thing that you do when you start researching a potential purchase or new project? I do a Google Search. Google always gives me a pretty good start to my research. Well, what if you could put those first eight sites that Google finds in a LiveBinder to get started? Well, now […]
Getting Organized this Year
The new year is fast approaching and with it comes a bunch of new resolutions that you hope to keep going for the rest of the year if not for the rest of your life. One of my top priorities is to take control of my life – and that means getting organized, at work, […]
Purify your air with Plants
This binder is about the green way you can clean the air in your home. Some plants are excellent at cleaning pollution from indoor air. Dr. Bill Wolverton published his research at NASA to find plants that clean the air. These plants absorb toxic chemicals like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene which are commonly used in […]
Create Your Own Media Kit
Are you trying to market your company’s product, but don’t have the budget to hire a marketing media firm to handle your advertising? Or would you like to learn some marketing tips on how to create your own media kit? Take a look at the following LiveBinder filled with different websites that help you create […]