LiveBinders Tips & Tricks
Ladybugs in my Christmas Tree
Every year we go out to the tree farm and cut our own Christmas tree. It is a beautiful area with a stream running through it and I’ve always hoped that they can sell enough trees to keep it as beautiful as it is. This year when we took the tree off of the car, […]
Taking care of a Shih Tzu
We’re looking at the possibility of adopting an older dog and, of course, it pays to know what you are getting into. This binder is a collection of websites regarding any information on Shih Tzu dogs, their breed, dog grooming, nutritional needs, dog recipes and general discussion sites for various Shih Tzu health related issues. […]
Handmade holiday gift ideas
Having your kids make holiday gifts this year not only can help keep the budget down, but it can also help them improve their reading, math, fine motor movements, planning and follow-through development skills. It’s also a great way to get the family working on a project together and opening up your child’s imagination and creativity. The following binder […]
Keeping Track of Authors
Have you ever gone to the library and stared blankly at the shelves while trying to remember the name of an author that you like? It happens to me more than it should – but not any more. I now track my favorite novel authors in a binder. When I get to the library, I […]
LiveBinder It update!
We are happy to announce that the LiveBinder It bookmarklet tool has been updated. Here are some of the changes in this release: Auto-open: Now when you add a link to a binder through the LiveBinder It bookmarklet tool, the binder will automatically open so that you can see where the link was added in your […]
Motivating your kids to learn
September is nearly over and the enthusiasm for school is starting to subside. Reality is setting in – parents might be dealing with kids who aren’t taking their classwork or homework ‘seriously’ or maybe they are discovering that their kids want to do well, but are afraid to ask for help. Parents with kids who […]
Learning to compost
Living in San Francisco, we have the advantage of Sunset Scavenger, the company that removes our trash and recycling, taking care of the composting in our neighborhoods. They provide the cans and pick up of the compost and all we have to do is put it out on the curb to get taken away. However, […]
Long Term Nexium Use
I started taking Nexium for my acid reflex a couple of years ago and just recently I noticed stiffness in my right knee and left elbow. I thought that the elbow pain I felt might have been caused by push ups and carrying a heavy hand bag, but my knees had never given me trouble […]
Extreme Gardening
I love gardening, but as my dear friend Carolyn always says, “Anything worth doing, is worth over doing.” Here are some gardeners who have done just that and taken gardening to the next level. I’m so glad that they are willing to share their creations and adventures with us on the web. Click on the […]
The best sunscreens on the market
I’ve found some interesting articles regarding the best sunscreens on the market today. ‘Parade’ magazine published a list of these products, which is in this binder. I also found another list from ‘Town and Country’ magazine. Neutragena seems to be the best, but it is interesting to compare prices and products. I also included an […]
Global warming
This binder is a collection of some recent articles regarding the effects of global warming. Some of the events seem pretty startling. It also lists some websites for groups that do not believe in global warming. Their arguments are interesting. We’ve also listed other websites that reveal studies that explain how global warming is happening. We […]
Summer vacation with Grizzlies
If you love to vacation in the wilderness, and want a safe way to explore grizzly bear territory, this binder will offer you some excellent resources. Included is an article by the Wall Street Journal regarding these grizzly guide companies that provide a safe way to view grizzlies and learn about them in their habitat. Just […]