Tips & TricksDecember 2nd, 2024

Copy a Binder to Save Time

By Linda Houle

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2 binders with arrow and words Copy a Binder

Copying a binder is a great way to save time when you are recreating a binder that has the same look and feel that you want. This feature enables our users to create template binders that saves time.

If you know that you are going  to use some of the same content in multiple binders, you can add that content in one template binder and then when you make copies of the binder, the URL of those uploaded files will copy over to the copied binders. From the copied binder, you can then rename that binder and add any other relevant content in the other tabs.

For example, an instructor may create a course binder that has the their rubric in the first tab, office hours in the 2nd tab and their Google calendar embedded live in the 3rd tab. By keeping those tabs in the original template binder the instructor can then make a copy of that binder for each year’s course and not have to re-build those tabs from scratch.

To copy a binder and add it to “My” Binders:
  1. Create or find a binder that you want to copy
  2. While in your My Binders page, hover over binder cover, click the Options button.
  3. Select Make a Copy from drop down list.

Copy a binder from your binders page


  1. If you are in the binder you want to copy, click the Options button at the top of the page while in Present Mode. If in Edit Mode, click on Add at the top right.
  2. Select Copy from the drop down menus at the top of the page.

Copy a binder from the binder's options menu

Copying other people’s binders:

You can also create a copy of a binder owned by another user. The binder must be set to copyable in the Privacy Settings by the binders’ owner.

If the binder is copyable you will see the Copy button enabled. When creating copies of your own binders you do not need to enable the copyable feature.
Important NOTE:  Any files that were in the binder you copied are still stored in that person’s LiveBinders account.  If they delete that file from their own storage, the file will disappear from your copied binder. Be sure to download your own copy of the file and then upload it to your copied version.
This is because we don’t copy files from one storage account to another.  Only the file URLs get copied over with the binder.