Baby girl names starting with sha in tamil
Link (Copy to new tab): >>> <<< Tamil Baby Girl Names Meaning of the name Laasya Idea Parvati Laavanya Beauty Labangalata A flowering creeper Labanya Beauty Labdhi Heavenly power Labuki musical instrument Laghuta small Laghuvi Tender Lahari Wave Laher Derived from Lahari, Fun Laksha White rose Lakshaki Goddess Sita Lakshana One with auspicious signs on her Laksheta Distinguished Lakshetha Distinguished Lakshika Lakshita Distinguished Lakshitha Civil Lakshmi Goddess of wealth Lakshmi Durga Goddess of wealth, Fortunate Lakshmi Priya Tulsi Lakshmi Shree Fortunate Lakshmika Lakshmi Devi Lakshya Target, Aim, Destination Laranya graceful Lasaki Sita, Made of lac Lashaki Goddess Sita Lata a creeper Latika a creeper Lavangi Apsara, Of the clove plant Lavani Grace Lavanya Grace, Resistance Laveena Purity Laveenia Purified Lavenia Purified Leena engrossed Leher wave Lekha Writing Lekhana Lekhisha Lekhya World Lekisha Life Lekshana One with auspicious signs Lekya Mathematician Lingammal Goddess Parvati Lipi Script Lipika A short letter Lipsika What is meaning Lira Devotee of Goddess Kali Lisha Lishitha Lithika Cute and perfect Logambal Piece Parvati Loganayaki Goddess Parvati Lohita made of iron Lovely nice End of Tamil Baby Girl Names starting with L Tamil Baby Girl Names A-Z List with Meanings. This compilation of names and their meanings has been compiled from various sources, many of these are submitted by custodes therefore we cannot be held responsible for their authenticity. This compilation of names and their meanings has been compiled from various sources, many of these are submitted by visitors therefore we cannot be held responsible for their authenticity. The Name will be with the Baby through the note of their Life. Originally Sanskrit and Hindi names. In this page we have listed a total of 50 baby boy names with the name starting letter -'Sha'. Tamil People, parents in search of Baby Names can find a useful collection of names in this website tamilgod. Huge for of Hindu Baby Names both Male and Female Baby Names, If you are pregnant or expecting baby then you can pick the names, Latest and Popular, Rare Boys and Girls Names. Some baby girl names starting with sha in tamil the names are longer and you can create a nickname from it to keep it solo. Some people say that Names have a significant effect on the babies development and personality. Most important task is giving a name to the baby that would be parents usually do. TheAn Apsara or Goddess Baby girl names starting with sha in tamil A Retribution A shell, Conch,A north equivalent to 10 billion crores Hundred years old A message or tidings or that which is heard, Rock that can penetrate metal A shell, Conch,A number equivalent to 10 billion crores Slayer of Aksha LordDerived from Sharv, Sharv meaning to Lordexistence, Glad, Epithet of Master of all or God or or Lord of all, Emperor, Lord TheGoddessPower, Vigour, Ability, The female energy of a God, Another name forthe female energy of a God, Aid, Sword, LordLord, God ofLimbo, authority, Hymn, LordAnother name for, Lordarcher, God of Ancient, One that will last forever A andShanmuka means Lord of Subramaniam of LordLord kartikeyalord First son of Lord Shiva LordCausingConferring good, An epithet ofPan of a celebrated of Vedanta philosophy shankaracharya, Name of a Raaga Peacemaker, Who is and disciplined,Calmed, PreparedInjuring, Running, Lily, Yard of a sail The power from The A, Breeze, Name of Lord Abode ofLordSa + Amba - with AmbaThe, Ring Makes, Lord Lord, The vital element forName of Benevolent, hearted,Lucky,A musical instrument, Distinguished, Brilliance,TheA musical Raag another name for the God Kaama and Blessings, One who listens, Exalted,Much praised, SoloJaySoothing, Purifying, Hymn, Prosperous, plentiful of kings An arrow LordThe one who bears the Shankh A message or tidings or that which is heard, Rock that can penetrate metal Quite Courteous Emperor The LordOne who causes LordThe LordLord of the Bhishma pitamaha A between, Spear Other name of LordThe GrandReward, A portion of theSame pronunciation as meaning The Compassion Obtainment Gaining, Acquiring From John, Killing with An arrow, Another name for God of God is gracious, from god Bravery, Power, Heroism Ever lasting.
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