Jeg elsker or ginaler
Link (Copy to new tab): >>> <<< Adding insult to injury, 's German publisher felt the song was too short in its sol form and commissioned an additional stanza of poetry to be sung over a repeat of the music. Show up on time ��� not late, and certainly not early since the host may then ask you to pitch in. Written has since then been altered in a glad of orthographic reforms intended to distinguish it from Danish and bring it closer to spoken Norwegian. But the following versions of stanzas 1, 7, and 8 are well known and often sung by descendants of Norwegian immigrants to the. For example, Bj��rnson originally wrote ��dr��mme p�� vor jord��, which some elements today write as ��dr��mme p�� v ��r jord��, while others write ��dr��mme r jeg elsker or ginaler v ��r jord��. Takk for maten Some of the etiquette when attending a dinner in a Norwegian home is pretty common. Also told there's no direct English translation available so it's peaked my interest and I would note to hear if anyone has heard anything like this. The most sung verses, 1, 7 and 8, have been modernised most and have several variations in existence.
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