Primary Mathematics Teacher Toolbox
Assignment Content As a special education teacher, you could be teaching at an elementary, middle, or high school depending on your state���s certification requirements. It is important to be prepared for each grade level with knowledge of what instructional and technology tools, differentiation strategies, and accommodations and modifications are appropriate for the different school levels. Your learning team will build a Mathematics Teacher Toolbox over the next few weeks that you can save and access in the future as needed. Create an online binder using LiveBinders to organize the following information appropriate for a primary-level (K-5) mathematics teacher toolbox: Instructional tools Technology tools Differentiation strategies Accommodations and modifications for: Instruction Assessment Note: You will first need to create a free account with LiveBinders before starting your binder. The website has a tutorial that will walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a LiveBinder for the purpose of this assignment. Label the tabs as listed below, and include the following information: Tab #1 ��� Instructional Tools: Complete the Primary Instructional Tools Worksheet, and upload this document to your binder. Tab #2 ��� Technology Tools: Complete the Primary Technology Tools Worksheet, and upload this document to your binder. Tab #3 ��� Differentiation Strategies: Create and upload a Microsoft�� Word document that includes a 50- to 75-word description for each of the following: 2 to 3 differentiation strategies appropriate for a primary-level learner with the following exceptionalities (minimum of 8): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) English Learner (EL) Dyslexia Language disorder Tab #4 ��� Accommodations and Modifications: Create and upload a Microsoft�� Word document that includes a 50- to 75-word description for each of the following: 2 to 3 instructional accommodations and modifications appropriate for a primary-level learner 2 to 3 assessment accommodations and modifications appropriate for a primary-level learner Set access for your LiveBinder to public and share it with your instructor by copying/pasting your binder's link into a Microsoft�� Word document. Submit your assignment. Resources Center for Writing Excellence Reference and Citation Generator Grammar and Writing Guides Learning Team Toolkit���
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Copy of Copy of Primary Mathematics Teacher Toolbox
Assignment Content As a special education teacher, you could be teaching at an elementary, middle, or high school depending on your state���s certification requirements. It is important to be prepared for each grade level with knowledge of what instructional and technology tools, differentiation strategies, and accommodations and modifications are appropriate for the different school levels. Your learning team will build a Mathematics Teacher Toolbox over the next few weeks that you can save and access in the future as needed. Create an online binder using LiveBinders to organize the following information appropriate for a primary-level (K-5) mathematics teacher toolbox: Instructional tools Technology tools Differentiation strategies Accommodations and modifications for: Instruction Assessment Note: You will first need to create a free account with LiveBinders before starting your binder. The website has a tutorial that will walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a LiveBinder for the purpose of this assignment. Label the tabs as listed below, and include the following information: Tab #1 ��� Instructional Tools: Complete the Primary Instructional Tools Worksheet, and upload this document to your binder. Tab #2 ��� Technology Tools: Complete the Primary Technology Tools Worksheet, and upload this document to your binder. Tab #3 ��� Differentiation Strategies: Create and upload a Microsoft�� Word document that includes a 50- to 75-word description for each of the following: 2 to 3 differentiation strategies appropriate for a primary-level learner with the following exceptionalities (minimum of 8): Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) English Learner (EL) Dyslexia Language disorder Tab #4 ��� Accommodations and Modifications: Create and upload a Microsoft�� Word document that includes a 50- to 75-word description for each of the following: 2 to 3 instructional accommodations and modifications appropriate for a primary-level learner 2 to 3 assessment accommodations and modifications appropriate for a primary-level learner Set access for your LiveBinder to public and share it with your instructor by copying/pasting your binder's link into a Microsoft�� Word document. Submit your assignment. Resources Center for Writing Excellence Reference and Citation Generator Grammar and Writing Guides Learning Team Toolkit���
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