Jessica Jasutis Schizophrenia Resource Notebook
This notebook would help families that could use information or resources for help for their child with Schizophrenia. It could be used by all age ranges in mostly any place. schizophrenia is a "disorder of thought", and, indeed, one of the prototypical symptoms of schizophrenia is the presence of delusions, which are beliefs that are significantly different from consensus reality. Schizophrenics typically experience some type of hallucinations. That is, they experience things via their sensory system that others do not. The most typical of these are auditory hallucinations, though they can be visual, tactile, or even olfactory. Schizophrenia also sometimes includes a blunted or flat affect, meaning that they do not show emotion to the extent that most of us do. Odd motor behaviors, including catatonia, a cessation or slowing of movement, also often occurs in schizophrenia. Symptoms that include an addition or increase in behaviors, such as delusions and hallucinations are referred to as positive symptoms, and those that include a decrease, such as blunted affect and impoverished movement, are referred to as negative symptoms. This resource notebook could be very beneficial to families that needed help understanding this disorder. It could be helpful to help the individual or members of the family cope the disorder and better understand the symptoms that comes along with it. Schizophrenia is often misunderstood and the people that have to deal with it most likely want information and answers; this notebook is to ease the stress and frustration of the family a little bit by providing them with links to get the help they need.
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