Geological dating accuracy
Link: >>> <<< As for the hammer, which was actually found by others near London, Texas in the 1930s, supposedly in an Ordovician stone concretion, it merely came into Baugh's possession. Libby, the discoverer of the C14 method, which won for him a Nobel prize, expressed his shock that human artifacts extended back only 5000 years, a finding totally in conflict with any evolutionary concept. One would think in even a thousand years there would be roots or worm burrows or stream erosion or clam tracks. These oldest rocks are metamorphic rocks but they originated as lava flows and sedimentary rocks. Anti-creationists, if you think that the Bible and the people who follow it are so stupid and uneducated, then why do you argue with them? This does not mean it is meaningless or necessarily wrong, just that I wouldn't base too much on it. The following message was sent to me by e mail on February 11, 1998: As one who has taught dendrochronnology, I have a few opinions on this particular subject. I did this calculation in an astronomy class.
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