But I found it on the Internet!
On the Internet, nobody knows you're a dog. This famous cartoon from the New Yorker exemplifies the challenges of locating, evaluating and integrating web-based content. When the barriers to publication are non-existent, we as educators must possess the information literacy skills necessary to navigate a world of resources with limited time. This session explores the concept of information literacy and provides a researched approach to smart integration of the Internet into the CTE classroom. Participants will leave with strategies for efficient use of search engines, resource validation, and resource management.
Bobby Hobgood, Ed.D.Education
Views: 769
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Digital Literacy for World Languages
How do we model digital literacy skills as we support the development of digitally literate world language educators? This binder offers an overview of the six major goals of digital literacy with resources related to each.
Bobby Hobgood, Ed.D.Education
Views: 385
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