Comprehensive Assessment Program 524
comprehensive assessment program, including norm-referenced and criterion-referenced standardized assessments, formative and summative assessments, formal and informal assessments, self-assessments and affective assessments, portfolios, and performance assessments. This binder should be set up and organized in such a way that it could be shared with student teachers and new educators in your district.
Include the following topics in your binder. Each topic on the following list should be one tab in your binder:
o Tab 1: Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Standardized Assessments
o Tab 2: Formative and Summative Assessments
o Tab 3: Informal and Formal Assessments
o Tab 4: Self-Assessments and Affective Assessments
o Tab 5: Portfolios
o Tab 6: Performance Assessments
o Tab 7: References
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