Teacher Burnout Toolbox
What do you envision when you think of burnout? Most likely, you see someone who is overwhelmed, drowning in their workload, exhausted, and cannot even think straight enough to prioritize. Learn what signs and symptoms lead teachers down the path to burnout. Though not a disease, it is now seen as an occupational phenomenon. In 2019, the World Health Organization recognized burnout as ���chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed.��� Before this, people were apt to suffer in silence, feeling ashamed for needing help.
Teacher burnout happens often when new teachers are overwhelmed, lack the leadership they need during their first few years, begin to feel the pinch of student loan payments, and lack the resources that support teaching. However, it���s not just a new teacher issue. Teachers at any time in their career, even veterans, are finding their workload excessive, being forced to ���teach to the test���. Lack of administrative support is infuriating, and student-to-teacher ratio is completely out of whack.
Retention of new teachers continues to be a problem in the United States. The number of new teachers leaving the profession altogether within the first five years is 44% (as of school year ending 2022). It disrupts students��� learning, increases workload of other teachers, and costs the school district an average of $20,000-$30,000 to replace a teacher. Most states require mentorship programs. However, school districts need to explore whether their mentorship program is working.
Learn what the difference is between teacher burnout and teacher demoralization. While it may feel the same, there is a difference. Administration and policymakers need to take a good, long look at what their district���s values are and learn what teachers��� values are. This will identify what is working to achieve these values and what needs to be fixed. In cases of demoralization, teachers have a clear sense for what good work could be, but they are not able to enact it. Both burnout and demoralization are a part of what is driving teachers out of the profession.
Leadership and communication are critical for school success. Leaders have the power, if done correctly, to help teachers thrive, create relationships with parents/guardians, and also inspire students. Teachers are more likely to become exceedingly effective with strong leadership. Are you someone that���s worthy of respect and admiration? Of course, you are. It raises your state of being and makes you feel there is a possibility to reach the highest expectations. Be determined and recognize the signs. Do not be embarrassed. Listen to your body. Then begin your recovery from burnout. Use this guide to assist you.
Daniel CampbellHealth
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