Search Results for "Sherry Faulk, Val Pack, Julie Weyandt"
2018-2019 Supporting Implementation of School Leadership Teams
The Ohio Improvement Process (OIP) as an Organizational Strategy - The OIP includes, but goes well beyond, the traditional plan-do-study-act (PDSA) cycle. When viewed as an organizational strategy, rather than an exercise in compliance, the OIP gives districts a template through which focused and intentional action can take place. It brings educators together through collaborative team structures to learn from each other, and it facilitates communication and decision-making between and across levels of the system (district, central office, school, grade levels, content areas, classrooms). The team structures at the core of the OIP form peer-to-peer networks, giving more people a voice and allowing for the inclusion of multiple perspectives in guiding each district���s journey toward organizational learning and continuous improvement.
Sherry Faulk, Val Pack, J...Education
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